Friday, March 19th, 2010 (updated 26 Jan ’12)

Documentation for Send Email v1.4

The Send Email plugin lets you send an email from within an ExpressionEngine template without the user submitting a form. h2. Compatibility Compatible with both EE v1.x and v2.x. h2. Installation h4. EE v1.x Place the pi.send_email.php file in the /plugins directory. h4. EE v2.x Create in the /third_party directory a directory /send_email, then place the pi.send_email.php in there. h2. Required Parameters h4. to This is the only required parameter, the email address that the email will go to. h2. Optional Parameters h4. from_email The email address that will appear in the email's From area. If using, also requires the from_name parameter. h4. from_name The name address that will appear in the email's From area. If using, also requires the from_email parameter. h4. subject The email's subject. If left empty, the default is "Email from [site_name]". h4. mailtype Either "html" or "plain". Default is "plain". Currently working in EE v2.x only. h4. parse This parameter is available to all EE plugins. When set with a value of "inward" it allows the plugin to contain other plugins. h2. Variables username, screen_name, member_id, email, ip_address h2. Example
	from_name="Joe Kissel" 
	subject="Hairpiece for Pico"
Dear Wacky Silly Hairpieces,

Can you do something about {screen_name}s hair? Though he does got to get back to work.

Thank you,

Joe Kissel


h4. v1.4 (2012 Jan 26) * Replaced code with contribution from Tiffany in comments * Added username, screen_name, member_id, email, ip_address parameters h4. v1.2 (2011 May 3) * Forced substitution of "&+47;" to "/" in email body h4. v1.1 (2010 Mar 19) * Added mailtype parameter


* add support for variables within emails

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