Integrated work processing

Go organic

Run your operations using your own work system powered by Engaging OS, our layered, open-source architecture for managing anything — or everything — you do.

The living room at Frank Lloyd Wright's Jacobs I House

Built in 1937 and considered Mr Wright’s first Usonian, it’s a low-cost yet fully integrated home in harmonious flow between outside and in — and an inspiration for the systems we build. Photo by James Steakley.

Domain-driven Software-as-a-Service

Build and bill

Beyond enjoying the benefits of your streamlined organic system, work to evolve it into an application effectively serving your industry.

The kitchen at Frank Lloyd Wright's Gordon House

If you transform your system into an app for your industry, it’ll require getting busy in what Mr Wright referred to as the workspace. Photo by Janet Eastman at The Oregonian.

Organic architecture is an architecture from within outward...

Frank Lloyd Wright


The Engaging Approach

Integrated work systems

Why integrated? Why role-&-attribute-based? Why process management? And why Engaging? Understand Engaging OS and our approach to your organization’s operations.

Frequently Asked Questions

Some nittygritty


Sleek and open source

Front-end Vue meta framework
API server / headless CMS / data studio
GraphQL handler
Data query language
Open-source relational database
Code versioning platform


As approved by luminaries

...incredibly happy with the system... a bang-up job of coding all our unusual business practices.

Adam C. Engst

Adam C. Engst

Publisher at Take Control Books

...incredible, invaluable, indefagitable...

Khoi Vinh

Khoi Vinh

Principal Designer at Adobe

I'm extremely impressed...

Matt Weinberg

Matt Weinberg

CEO at Happy Cog


We can onboard 2 more organizations in September 2024.

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work systems

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