No Upfront Costs


The type of organization with whom Engaging works best — and the type of work we do best — is stable and ongoing. As such, both Engaging and our partners benefit from a flat monthly fee. Working this way is a cost-effective way to routinize digital development.

The arrangement feels akin to having a remote in-house team — except with more exposure to the market and having the deepest possible expertise in the underlying system.

Most Popular
Small to Medium Organizations
Up to 5,000 users
  • Ongoing development, support and maintenance of enterprise applications up to an entire integrated work system powered by Engaging OS
  • Integration with other systems such as e-commerce payment gateways
  • Automated branded email notifications
  • Screensmart typography from the Hoefler & Co foundry
  • Pro-level icons from Font Awesome
  • System availability at your own subdomain(s)
  • Online meetings as needed
Medium to Large Organizations
Over 5,000 users
  • Ongoing development, support and maintenance of enterprise applications up to an entire integrated work system powered by Engaging OS
  • Integration with other systems such as e-commerce payment gateways
  • Automated branded email notifications
  • Screensmart typography from the Hoefler & Co foundry
  • Pro-level icons from Font Awesome
  • System availability at your own subdomain(s)
  • Online meetings as needed
Domain-Driven SaaS / Multiple Organizations
Do a deal with us to share ownership of a SaaS initiative in your industry. Or gather together some peers to economize on developing the functionality you all need.
  • Ongoing development, support and maintenance of enterprise applications, entire integrated work systems, or a SaaS product powered by Engaging OS
  • Integration with other systems such as e-commerce payment gateways
  • Automated branded email notifications
  • Screensmart typography from the Hoefler & Co foundry
  • Pro-level icons from Font Awesome
  • System availability at various domains and subdomains
  • Online meetings as needed

Writ Large

Small Print

Given such simple pricing for such a vital ongoing relationship, some constraints apply regarding what we provide:

  • Reasonable ceiling: We reserve the right to set a reasonable ceiling on the number of hours worked within a month on your system. At the same time, we want to launch your system as quickly as we can, and to keep developing to meet your specifications.
  • Cancellation: Before the first launch of any part of your system, you may cancel with a month's notice. Thereafter, you agree to commit annually (which can be paid monthly).
  • Intellectual Property: You own your own data entirely. The code we produce to build your system to your specifications is copyright jointly to Engaging and your organization, and is open source. This lets us leverage the work we do for each organization to benefit others.
  • Warranty: We endeavor to deliver systems as agreed, but offer no warranty and hold no responsibility for any loss, damages or costs caused by their use.

If you can buy it, it’s a shtick. If you must grow it, it’s a system.

Venkatesh Rao

Writer & Consultant


We can onboard more organizations next month.

One Small Step

Tell us about you and your organization